My interests include econometric theory, monetary policy, international
finance, and various problems of Chinese economy.
Journal Articles
- Functional regression of continuous state distributions, with Joon Y. Park, Journal of Econometrics 167 (2), 397-412 , 2012.
Matlab codes: fr.rar
- Estimating semiparametric panel data models by marginal integration, with Le Wang, Journal of Econometrics 167 (2), 483-493, 2012.
Matlab codes: fd.zip
- Structural change estimation in time series regressions with endogenous variables, with Liangjun Su, Economics Letters, 125, 415-421, 2014.
Matlab codes: GFL1.0.rar
- The inequality-growth plateau, with Daniel J. Henderson and Le Wang, Economics Letters 128 17-20, 2015.
Matlab codes: kc.rar
- Shrinkage estimation of regression models with multiple structural changes, with Liangjun Su, Econometric Theory, 32 (6), 1376-1433, 2016.
Matlab codes: GFL1.0.rar
- Shrinkage estimation of common breaks in panel data models via adaptive group fused Lasso, with Liangjun Su, Journal of Econometrics, 191 (1), 86-109, 2016.
Matlab codes: structb_panel.rar
- Panel data models with interactive fixed effects and multiple structural breaks, with Degui Li and Liangjun Su, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111 (516), 1804-1819, 2016. supplement
Matlab codes: panelppc.rar
- Forecasting the yield curve using a dynamic natural cubic spline model, with Pan Feng, Economics Letters, 168, 73-76.
- Analyzing and forecasting the Chinese term structure of interest rates using functional principal component analysis, with Pan Feng, China Finance Review International, 8 (3), 275-296.
- Structural Changes in the RMB Exchange Rate Mechanism, with SU Guanyu, 2021, China & World Economy, 29 (2), 1-23.
- Does the offshore market matter to China's exchange rate policy? with SU Guanyu, 2022, Applied Economics Letters.
- On time-varying panel data models with time-varying interactive fixed effects, with Xia Wang, Sainan Jin, Yingxing Li, Liangjun Su, Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
Book Chapters
Working Papers
For more essays in Chinese, click here.